Rooming list
How to use the bedroom rooming list feature for bookings with accommodation included.
After the booking is confirmed, the customer or hotelier can complete the rooming list for bedrooms. Below, you can watch a short virtual demo of how the rooming list feature works.
Note: The rooming list can be integrated into Oracle Cloud PMS or used as a stand-alone solution.
How do you navigate to the rooming list?
Your customer will receive an automated email asking them to fill in the rooming list, which includes accommodation when the booking is confirmed. The link will take the customer to the rooming list page, which is also visible at the top of the customer's eProposal/booking page.
As a venue user, you can request that the rooming list be filled out from the booking in MeetingPackage. You can also view what has already been filled out, or you can fill in the details yourself if needed.
Filling in the rooming list information
The rooming list can be filled in by the customer or hotelier. The following data can be filled in
- Check-in and Check-out dates
- Paid by with the following options: Organiser, Attendee, Split
- Type: Adult or Child
- Title: Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms.
- First name
- Last name
- Nationality
- Phone
The rooming list can be edited until the actual event date. After the event date, the rooming list status changes to closed and editing disabled.
Hoteliers can also request the customer to fill in the rooming list and fetch or push data from PMS, depending on the need.