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Organisation - Document templates

You can use dynamic variables from your booking data in your uploaded templates. Custom documents such as proposal templates, contracts, BEO's, etc. can be used with MeetingPackage.

View the virtual tour below to learn how to use Document templates in MeetingPackage.

KB article org document template

💡 If you need visual proposals or custom contracts, document templates are the perfect way to create them.

Document templates can be used to send tailored and customized documents to your customers, utilizing the booking data automatically. For example, you can send proposals with images and branding as a response to RFPs or contracts, invoices, etc. to be viewed and signed if necessary. 

How to use the tokens?

Log in and go to your Document template page in MeetingPackage, click the Upload button, and copy the token with the double-curly braces { (see screenshot below). Paste the copied token to your document. 

Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 10.46.02

Once your document with all the relevant tokens is ready, upload it back to MeetingPackage and select the venues to whom you want to grant access to that document. 

If you have multiple breakfast items and you need to use the same token twice or more (e.g., Food & Beverage name token), you need to add each individual token to a table format. 

An example image below.

image (25)

image (24)


Supported document format: Doc, Docx.

Users can choose a language and date format before downloading and printing a custom document (Accommodation and booking items table column names are translated.). The date format is applied based on the language selected. Also, users can include Agreed values in custom tables for printing. 

Below are the variable tokens and their meanings. Click the links to view the selected token data directly.


The token and the explanation of the token are below

ID The booking ID number
StartDate Start date of the event
EndDate End date of the event
EventName Name of the event
ProvisionalHoldDate Date until the booking is reserved
Delegates Count of attendees in the event
EventType Type of the event (defined by the venue)
BookingType Type of the booking (defined by the venue)
DiscountCode Discount or corporate negotiated rate code
DiscountPercentage:Rooms The % of the discount on the meeting room
DiscountPercentage:Packages The % of the discount on the package
DiscountPercentage:Catalogs The % of the discount on the catalog
Commission The commission % (e.g. if a booking is made by an agent)
MarketSegment Market segments are defined by the venue
LeadSource Lead sources are defined by the venue
InternalNotes Internal notes associated to the booking
HousingMethod Housing methods are defined by the venue
CutoffDate Date when group booking needs to be confirmed
LostReason A reason why the customer does not confirm RFP. This can be defined by the venue.
Competitor The venue defines competitors
TurnDownReason A reason why the venue needs to turn down a booking. Defined by the venue.
CancelledReason Cancellation reasons for confirmed bookings. Defined by the venue.
CreatedBy Who created the booking/RFP for the venue?
LastModifiedBy Who has last modified the booking/RFP
Attrition The attrition % of the booking that needs to be covered from the total booking.
Rebate The rebate % paid back to the customer.
Status The status of the booking
Owner:Name Who is the owner of the booking within the venue
Owner:Phone Phone number of the owner (venue staff)
Owner:Email Email of the owner (venue staff)



Token Explanation
Venue:ID The ID of the venue profile
Venue:Name Venue name
Venue:CustomerContactEmail Email of the venue to which customers can reply when they reply to emails
Venue:PhoneNumber Phone number of the venue
Venue:Description Description of the venue
Venue:CurrencyCode Currency code of the venue
Venue:Street The street address of the venue
Venue:City City of the venue
Venue:State State of the venue
Venue:PostalCode Postal code of the venue
Venue:Country Country of the venue



Token Explanation
Account:Name Customers company name
Account:Street Customer company street address
Account:PostalCode Customer company postal code
Account:City Customer company city
Account:State Customer company state
Account:Country Customer company country
Account:Phone Customer company main phone number
Account:Email Customer company main email address
Account:VAT VAT number of the customer company
Account:LeadSource From where did this customer originate? Lead sources are defined by the venue admin.
Account:Industry The venue admin defines customer company industries.
Account:MarketSegment Market segment of the customer
Account:CreatedBy Who created the account within the venue?
Account:LastModifiedBy Who has last modified the customer company profile?
Account:DiscountCode Discount codes applicable for the customer company


Colleague in your global sales office organisation with an agreed role. 
Account:OrgNumber The internal ID of the customer company
Account:GSOGMSales Colleague in your global sales office organisation with an agreed role. 
Account:ReferenceID Any ID you want to use (e.g. external CRM company ID)
Account:WebsiteAddress the website of the customer company


Account contact

Token Explanation
Account:Contact:FirstName First name of the customer contact
Account:Contact:LastName Last name of the customer contact
Account:Contact:Street The street address of the customer contact
Account:Contact:PostalCode Postal code of the customer contact
Account:Contact:City City of the customer contact
Account:Contact:State State of the customer contact
Account:Contact:Country Country of the customer contact
Account:Contact:Email Email of the customer contact
Account:Contact:Phone Phone of the customer's contact
Account:Contact:Role Job title of the customer contact
Account:Contact:Title Is the customer contact Mr/Mrs/Dr, etc. The venue admin can define the values.
Account:Contact:PreferredContactMethod What is your customer's preferred contact method?
Account:Contact:Marketing Customers consent to marketing
Account:Contact:MembershipNumber The ID of your e.g. loyalty program
Account:Contact:CreatedBy Who created the customer contact in your MeetingPackage account
Account:Contact:LastModifiedBy Who has modified the customer contact data?


Private contact

Token Explanation
Contact:FirstName Private customer's first name
Contact:LastName Private customer's last name
Contact:Phone Private customer's phone number
Contact:Email Private customer's email



Token Explanation
Price:Accommodation Total price of the accommodation services
Price:MeetingRoom Total price of the meeting rooms
Price:FoodAndBeverage Total price of Food & Beverage services
Price:Equipment Total price of the equipment
Price:Package The total price of the packages
Price:Total The total price of the booking



Token Explanation
PaymentMethod The selected payment method
PaymentStatus The status of the payment


Billing info

Token Explanation
BillingInfo:Company  Company name for billing
BillingInfo:Suite Billing suite if applicable
 BillingInfo:Phone Phone number related to billing issues with the customer 
BillingInfo:Street Billing street address
 BillingInfo:PostalCode Billing postal code
BillingInfo:City Billing city
BillingInfo:State Billing state, if applicable
BillingInfo:Country Billing country
BillingInfo:BusinessReason Business reason for the booking, if applicable
BillingInfo:CostCenter Cost center information
BillingInfo:EInvoicingAddress E-invoice address
BillingInfo:VATNumber VAT number for the invoice
BillingInfo:ReferenceNumber Reference number for the invoice, if applicable



Token Explanation
BookingItemsTable This is a useful token for printing out all meeting rooms, packages, equipment, and Food and beverage items included in the booking in table format and attaching them to the document. The table includes the following service data: name, start & end date, amount, space/event room, seating order, delegate amount, category, revenue and price (incl. and excl. tax). View an example from below.
AccommodationTable This is a useful token for printing out all bedroom-related items included in the booking in table format and attaching them to the document. The table includes room type, quantity, day, breakfast (yes/no), rate, excl. tax, and revenue information. see screenshot below


An example of the accommodation table token values

Accommodation tabel KB

An example of the booking items table.

services tabel KB